7 Effective Lead Generation Strategies for B2B Companies

7 Effective Lead Generation Strategies for B2B Companies

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Looking for Effective Lead Generation Strategies for B2B Companies?

All B2B companies need effective strategies to generate high-quality leads. Implementing the right b2b lead generation strategies can make a significant difference in attracting and converting potential clients. This article delves into seven proven lead generation strategies that B2B companies can leverage to boost their sales and grow their business.

What are the best ways for B2B lead generation?

Content Marketing

One of the most powerful lead generation strategies for B2B companies is content marketing. By creating valuable and informative content, businesses can attract potential leads and establish themselves as thought leaders in their industry.

Blogging is a cornerstone of content marketing. Regularly publishing blog posts on topics relevant to your audience can drive organic traffic to your website. For instance, a blog post titled 8 Essential Digital Marketing Strategies for B2B Businesses can provide insights and attract potential clients looking for marketing solutions.

Whitepapers and eBooks offer in-depth information on specific topics, showcasing your expertise and providing value to your audience. These long-form content pieces can be gated, requiring users to provide their contact information to download, thus capturing leads.

Webinars are another effective content marketing tool. Hosting live or recorded webinars allows you to engage with your audience directly, answer their questions, and present your products or services in detail. This interactive format can significantly enhance lead generation efforts.

Social Media Marketing

Social media platforms are essential for B2B lead generation campaigns. LinkedIn, in particular, is a goldmine for B2B marketers due to its professional user base.

On LinkedIn, you can join industry-specific groups, participate in discussions, and share valuable content. This platform also offers robust advertising options, such as LinkedIn Ads, which can target decision-makers within specific industries.

X/Twitter and Facebook are also valuable platforms for B2B marketing. X/Twitter allows for quick and concise communication, while Facebook’s extensive user base and advanced targeting options can help reach a broader audience.

Email Marketing

Email marketing remains one of the most effective lead generation strategies. By sending targeted and personalized emails, you can nurture leads and guide them through the sales funnel.

Drip campaigns automate the process of sending a series of emails to leads over time. These campaigns can educate potential clients about your products or services, address their pain points, and encourage them to take action.

Personalizing email content based on the recipient’s behavior and preferences can significantly increase engagement rates. For example, if a lead has downloaded a whitepaper on a specific topic, follow up with additional resources related to that topic.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

SEO is crucial for driving organic traffic and generating leads. By optimizing your website and content for search engines, you can improve your visibility and attract more potential clients.

Start with keyword research to identify terms your target audience is searching for. Tools like Google Keyword Planner and Ahrefs can help you find high-volume, low-competition keywords.

Implement on-page SEO techniques, such as including keywords in your titles, headers, and meta descriptions. Off-page SEO, such as building backlinks from reputable sites, can also boost your search engine rankings.

Pay-Per-Click Advertising (PPC)

PPC advertising allows you to target specific keywords and demographics, making it an effective lead generation strategy. Google Ads and LinkedIn Ads are popular choices for B2B companies.

With Google Ads, you can create ads that appear at the top of search engine results pages for targeted keywords. This visibility can drive high-quality traffic to your website.

LinkedIn Ads enable you to target professionals based on their job title, industry, and other criteria. This precise targeting can help you reach decision-makers within your target market.

Networking and Partnerships

Building relationships through networking and partnerships can significantly enhance your lead generation efforts. Attending industry events, such as conferences and trade shows, provides opportunities to meet potential clients and partners.

Strategic partnerships with complementary businesses can also be beneficial. For example, if you offer digital marketing services, partnering with a web development company can lead to mutual referrals and increased business for both parties.

Implementing these seven effective lead generation strategies can help B2B companies attract and convert high-quality leads. By focusing on content marketing, social media marketing, email marketing, SEO, PPC advertising, and networking, you can build a robust lead generation process that drives business growth.

For more insights on enhancing your digital marketing efforts, check out our article on 8 Essential Digital Marketing Strategies for B2B Businesses.

What are the 4 L’s of a Lead Generation Strategy?

To effectively generate leads, B2B companies need a comprehensive strategy that encompasses several key components. The 4 L’s of a Lead Generation Strategy—Lead Capture, Lead Magnets, Lead Nurturing, and Lead Scoring—provide a structured approach to attract, engage, and convert potential leads.

Lead Capture

Lead capture involves collecting information from potential leads to initiate further communication and nurturing. Effective lead capture methods ensure you gather valuable data while providing something of value to the lead in return.

  • Lead Forms: Simple and straightforward, lead forms on your website can collect basic information like names, email addresses, and company names. Placing these forms on high-traffic pages increases the chances of capturing leads.
  • Landing Pages: Dedicated landing pages focused on a specific offer or piece of content can be highly effective for lead capture. These pages should be designed to convert visitors by highlighting the benefits of the offer and including a prominent call-to-action (CTA).
  • Pop-Ups: Strategically timed pop-ups can capture leads without disrupting the user experience. For example, exit-intent pop-ups appear when a user is about to leave the site, providing one last opportunity to capture their information.

Lead Magnets

Lead magnets are incentives that encourage potential leads to provide their contact information. These can take various forms, but they all share the goal of offering value in exchange for information.

  • eBooks: In-depth guides on industry-specific topics can position your company as a thought leader. By gating eBooks behind a lead capture form, you can gather valuable information from interested readers.
  • Checklists: Simple yet effective, checklists provide actionable steps or tips related to your industry. They are easy to create and can be highly appealing to your audience.
  • Free Trials: Offering a free trial of your product or service allows potential leads to experience its value firsthand. This can be particularly effective for software and service-based businesses.

Lead Nurturing

Lead nurturing involves building relationships with potential leads through continuous and personalized communication. The goal is to guide leads through the sales funnel until they are ready to make a purchase.

  • Email Sequences: Automated email sequences can keep your brand top-of-mind by delivering relevant content and offers at strategic intervals. These sequences should be tailored to the lead’s behavior and interests.
  • Content Marketing: Regularly providing valuable content, such as blog posts, case studies, and webinars, helps nurture leads by addressing their pain points and demonstrating your expertise.
  • Retargeting Ads: Using retargeting ads, you can reach leads who have previously visited your website but didn’t convert. These ads can remind them of your offerings and encourage them to take action.

Lead Scoring

Lead scoring is the process of ranking leads based on their likelihood to convert. By assigning scores to leads based on their behavior and engagement, you can prioritize high-quality leads and allocate resources more effectively.

  • Assigning Scores: Leads can be scored based on various criteria, such as website visits, email opens, and content downloads. Higher scores indicate a higher level of interest and engagement.
  • Prioritizing Leads: By focusing on leads with higher scores, your sales team can concentrate their efforts on prospects with the greatest potential to convert.
  • Automation Tools: Lead scoring can be automated using CRM and marketing automation tools. These tools analyze lead behavior and assign scores automatically, streamlining the process and ensuring consistency.

Understanding and implementing the 4 L’s of a Lead Generation Strategy—Lead Capture, Lead Magnets, Lead Nurturing, and Lead Scoring—can significantly enhance your B2B lead generation efforts. These components work together to attract, engage, and convert potential leads, ultimately driving business growth.

For more tips on effective marketing strategies, visit our article on The Benefits of Using Customer Testimonials in Your Marketing.

What are the 3 approaches of lead generation?

B2B companies can utilize various approaches to generate leads, each with its own set of strategies and benefits. Understanding these approaches helps in selecting the right mix to optimize lead generation efforts. The three primary approaches are Inbound Lead Generation, Outbound Lead Generation, and Relationship-Based Lead Generation.

Inbound Lead Generation

Inbound lead generation focuses on attracting potential customers through valuable content and experiences tailored to their needs. This approach relies heavily on drawing in leads organically through various channels.

Content Marketing

  • Blogging: Creating and sharing informative blog posts that address common pain points and questions of your target audience can drive organic traffic to your website.
  • SEO: Optimizing your website and content for search engines ensures that your site ranks higher in search results, making it easier for potential leads to find you.
  • Webinars and Podcasts: Hosting webinars and podcasts on industry-relevant topics can position your company as a thought leader and attract a dedicated audience.

Social Media

  • LinkedIn: Utilize LinkedIn to share valuable content, participate in industry groups, and connect with potential leads. LinkedIn’s professional network is ideal for B2B marketing.
  • X/Twitter and Facebook: These platforms can be used to share updates, engage with your audience, and drive traffic to your website.

Email Marketing

  • Drip Campaigns: Automated email sequences that provide value and nurture leads over time. Personalized emails can significantly increase engagement and conversion rates.
  • Newsletters: Regular newsletters keep your audience informed about your company’s latest updates, industry news, and valuable insights.

Outbound Lead Generation

Outbound lead generation involves reaching out to potential leads proactively. This approach can be highly effective, especially when targeting a specific audience or industry.

Cold Emailing

  • Targeted Campaigns: Sending personalized cold emails to potential leads can introduce your company and its offerings directly to decision-makers.
  • Follow-Ups: Consistent follow-up emails can help maintain engagement and push leads further down the sales funnel.

Cold Calling

  • Direct Contact: Cold calling allows for direct interaction with potential leads, providing an opportunity to address their needs and questions immediately.
  • Building Relationships: Personal interactions can help build trust and establish a rapport with potential clients.

Direct Mail

  • Targeted Mailings: Sending physical mail, such as brochures or product samples, to potential leads can create a tangible connection and leave a lasting impression.
  • Personalization: Personalized direct mail can stand out in a digital world, making it a unique way to capture attention.

Relationship-Based Lead Generation

Relationship-based lead generation focuses on building and nurturing relationships with potential leads, partners, and influencers within your industry.


  • Industry Events: Attending and participating in conferences, trade shows, and seminars provides opportunities to meet potential leads and industry peers.
  • Local Meetups: Engaging in local business meetups and networking events can help establish connections within your community.


  • Strategic Alliances: Forming partnerships with complementary businesses can lead to mutual referrals and shared marketing efforts.
  • Affiliate Programs: Developing an affiliate program can incentivize partners to promote your products or services in exchange for a commission.


  • Customer Referrals: Encouraging satisfied customers to refer new leads can be one of the most effective lead generation strategies. Offering incentives, such as discounts or rewards, can motivate customers to refer others.
  • Employee Referrals: Your employees can also be a valuable source of referrals. Encouraging them to refer potential leads from their networks can expand your reach.

By understanding and leveraging the three approaches of lead generation—Inbound Lead Generation, Outbound Lead Generation, and Relationship-Based Lead Generation—B2B companies can create a comprehensive strategy that effectively attracts, engages, and converts leads. Each approach offers unique benefits and can be tailored to fit your business goals and target audience.

For further reading on enhancing your lead generation efforts, explore our article on 2024 Best Practices in Social Media Marketing.

What is a Lead Generation Funnel

What is a Lead Generation Funnel?

A lead generation funnel is a systematic approach that guides potential leads through the various stages of their buyer’s journey, from awareness to decision. Understanding the different stages and implementing targeted strategies at each point can significantly enhance your lead generation efforts. The lead generation funnel typically consists of four stages: Awareness, Interest, Consideration, and Decision.


The awareness stage is where potential leads first become aware of your business and its offerings. At this point, they may not yet recognize their need for your product or service but are beginning to explore and identify their challenges.

  • Content Marketing: Create informative and educational content that addresses common pain points and industry trends. Blog posts, infographics, and videos can be highly effective in this stage.
  • Social Media: Use platforms like LinkedIn, X/Twitter, and Facebook to share your content and engage with your audience. Social media ads can also boost visibility.
  • SEO: Optimize your website and content to rank for relevant keywords. This ensures that your business appears in search results when potential leads are seeking information.


In the interest stage, potential leads are aware of their problem and are actively seeking solutions. They are beginning to show interest in your product or service and want to learn more about how you can help.

  • Webinars and Podcasts: Host webinars and podcasts that delve deeper into specific topics of interest to your audience. This format allows for direct engagement and the opportunity to showcase your expertise.
  • Email Marketing: Send targeted emails to potential leads who have engaged with your content. Provide additional resources and information that further nurture their interest.
  • Lead Magnets: Offer valuable resources, such as eBooks, whitepapers, and case studies, in exchange for contact information. This helps capture leads and move them further down the funnel.


The consideration stage is where leads are comparing different solutions and evaluating which one best meets their needs. They are considering various options and looking for more detailed information.

  • Case Studies: Provide case studies that showcase how your product or service has successfully addressed similar challenges for other clients.
  • Product Demos: Offer live or recorded product demos that highlight key features and benefits. Allow leads to see your solution in action.
  • Comparison Guides: Create comparison guides that objectively compare your offerings with those of your competitors. Highlight your unique selling points and advantages.


In the decision stage, leads are ready to make a purchase decision. They have evaluated their options and are looking for the final piece of information or assurance before committing.

  • Free Trials and Demos: Provide free trials or demos of your product or service. This allows leads to experience the value firsthand before making a decision.
  • Customer Testimonials: Showcase customer testimonials and reviews that highlight positive experiences and successful outcomes. This builds trust and credibility.
  • Special Offers: Offer special discounts, promotions, or limited-time offers to incentivize the purchase. Create a sense of urgency to encourage immediate action.

A well-structured lead generation funnel is crucial for guiding potential leads through their buyer’s journey and converting them into customers. By understanding and implementing targeted strategies at each stage—Awareness, Interest, Consideration, and Decision—B2B companies can effectively attract, engage, and convert high-quality leads.

For more insights on building effective marketing strategies, check out our article on The Benefits of Using Customer Testimonials in Your Marketing.

What is the Best Platform for B2B Leads

What is the Best Platform for B2B Leads?

Selecting the right platform for generating B2B leads is crucial for maximizing your lead generation efforts. Different platforms offer unique features and benefits that cater to various aspects of B2B marketing. Here, we will explore some of the best platforms for B2B lead generation and how to leverage them effectively.


LinkedIn is often considered the gold standard for B2B lead generation. As a professional networking platform, LinkedIn allows businesses to connect with decision-makers and industry leaders.

  • LinkedIn Ads: Utilize LinkedIn’s advanced targeting options to reach specific industries, job titles, and companies. Sponsored content and InMail campaigns can be highly effective in driving engagement.
  • Company Pages: Maintain an active LinkedIn company page to share industry insights, company updates, and valuable content. This helps build your brand’s authority and attract potential leads.
  • Groups and Networking: Join and participate in LinkedIn groups related to your industry. Engage in discussions, share expertise, and connect with potential leads.


X/Twitter is another valuable platform for B2B lead generation, offering real-time engagement and a broad audience reach.

  • X/Twitter Ads: Promote tweets and use X/Twitter’s targeting features to reach a specific audience. X/Twitter Ads can increase visibility and drive traffic to your website.
  • Content Sharing: Regularly share valuable content, such as blog posts, industry news, and insights. Use relevant hashtags to increase the reach of your tweets.
  • Engagement: Engage with industry influencers, participate in X/Twitter chats, and respond to mentions and direct messages. Building relationships on X/Twitter can lead to valuable connections and potential leads.

Google Ads

Google Ads is a powerful platform for reaching potential leads who are actively searching for solutions related to your offerings.

  • Search Ads: Target specific keywords related to your products or services. Ensure your ads appear at the top of search engine results pages when potential leads are searching for relevant information.
  • Display Ads: Use display ads to reach a wider audience across Google’s vast network of websites. These ads can help increase brand awareness and capture interest.
  • Remarketing: Implement remarketing campaigns to target users who have previously visited your website. This keeps your brand top-of-mind and encourages them to return and convert.

Email Marketing Platforms

Email marketing platforms like Mailchimp and HubSpot are essential for nurturing leads and maintaining ongoing communication.

  • Automation: Set up automated email sequences to nurture leads over time. Personalized emails based on user behavior can significantly increase engagement and conversion rates.
  • Segmentation: Segment your email lists based on demographics, behavior, and interests. This allows for more targeted and relevant email campaigns.
  • Analytics: Use the platform’s analytics tools to track open rates, click-through rates, and other metrics. This data helps refine your email marketing strategy for better results.

Other Notable Platforms

  • Facebook: While primarily B2C, Facebook’s extensive user base and advanced targeting options can be leveraged for B2B marketing, especially for brand awareness and engagement.
  • YouTube: Create and share video content to showcase your expertise, products, and customer testimonials. YouTube can be an effective platform for demonstrating complex solutions and engaging with your audience visually.
  • Instagram: Utilize Instagram for visual storytelling and behind-the-scenes content. This platform can humanize your brand and attract potential leads through engaging visuals.

Choosing the right platform for B2B lead generation depends on your target audience, industry, and marketing goals. LinkedIn, X/Twitter, Google Ads, and email marketing platforms are among the best options for generating high-quality B2B leads. By leveraging the unique features and benefits of each platform, you can create a comprehensive lead generation strategy that drives business growth.

For more information on leveraging social media for B2B marketing, visit our article on 2024 Best Practices in Social Media Marketing.

Seven Effective Lead Generation Strategies for B2B Companies

Implementing effective lead generation strategies is crucial for B2B companies aiming to attract high-quality leads and drive business growth. Here are seven proven strategies that can help you achieve these goals.

1. Content Marketing

Content marketing is one of the most powerful tools for B2B lead generation. By creating valuable, informative, and engaging content, you can attract potential leads and establish your company as an industry thought leader.

  • Blogging: Regularly publishing blog posts on topics relevant to your audience can drive organic traffic to your website. Make sure your posts are SEO-optimized and provide actionable insights. For example, a blog post titled 8 Essential Digital Marketing Strategies for B2B Businesses can attract potential clients looking for marketing solutions.
  • Whitepapers and eBooks: Offering in-depth guides on industry-specific topics can position your company as an expert. These resources should be gated behind lead capture forms to collect contact information.
  • Webinars: Hosting live or recorded webinars on relevant topics allows you to engage with your audience directly. This interactive format can significantly enhance your lead generation efforts.

2. Social Media Marketing

Social media platforms are essential for B2B lead generation, with LinkedIn being particularly effective due to its professional user base.

  • LinkedIn: Utilize LinkedIn’s advanced targeting options to reach specific industries, job titles, and companies. Join industry-specific groups, participate in discussions, and share valuable content to build your network and attract leads.
  • X/Twitter: Use X/Twitter to share industry news, updates, and insights. Engage with industry influencers and participate in X/Twitter chats to increase visibility.
  • Facebook: Although primarily B2C, Facebook’s extensive user base and advanced targeting options can be leveraged for B2B marketing, especially for brand awareness and engagement.

3. Email Marketing

Email marketing remains one of the most effective lead generation strategies, allowing for personalized and targeted communication.

  • Drip Campaigns: Automated email sequences that nurture leads over time by delivering relevant content and offers at strategic intervals.
  • Personalized Emails: Tailor your email content based on the recipient’s behavior and preferences. This can significantly increase engagement rates.
  • Newsletters: Regular newsletters keep your audience informed about your company’s latest updates, industry news, and valuable insights.

4. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

SEO is crucial for driving organic traffic and generating leads by improving your website’s visibility in search engine results.

  • Keyword Research: Identify high-volume, low-competition keywords that your target audience is searching for. Tools like Google Keyword Planner and Ahrefs can help with this.
  • On-Page SEO: Optimize your website’s content, titles, headers, and meta descriptions with relevant keywords.
  • Off-Page SEO: Build backlinks from reputable sites to boost your search engine rankings.

5. Pay-Per-Click Advertising (PPC)

PPC advertising allows you to target specific keywords and demographics, making it an effective lead generation strategy.

  • Google Ads: Create ads that appear at the top of search engine results pages for targeted keywords. This visibility can drive high-quality traffic to your website.
  • LinkedIn Ads: Target professionals based on their job title, industry, and other criteria. This precise targeting can help you reach decision-makers within your target market.

6. Networking and Partnerships

Building relationships through networking and partnerships can significantly enhance your lead generation efforts.

  • Industry Events: Attend conferences, trade shows, and seminars to meet potential leads and industry peers. These events provide opportunities to showcase your expertise and build connections.
  • Strategic Partnerships: Form partnerships with complementary businesses to generate mutual referrals and share marketing efforts.

7. Lead Magnets

Lead magnets are incentives offered to potential leads in exchange for their contact information.

  • eBooks and Whitepapers: Provide in-depth information on relevant topics that demonstrate your expertise.
  • Free Trials: Allow potential leads to experience your product or service firsthand.
  • Checklists and Templates: Offer practical tools that can help your audience address specific challenges.

Implementing these seven effective lead generation strategies can help B2B companies attract and convert high-quality leads. By focusing on content marketing, social media marketing, email marketing, SEO, PPC advertising, networking, and lead magnets, you can build a robust lead generation process that drives business growth.

For more insights on enhancing your digital marketing efforts, check out our article on The Benefits of Using Customer Testimonials in Your Marketing.

Boost Your B2B Lead Generation with Innovative Flare

At Innovative Flare, we specialize in helping B2B companies implement effective lead generation strategies that drive results. Whether you’re looking to improve your content marketing, enhance your SEO, or leverage social media for lead generation, our team of experts is here to assist you.

Why Choose Innovative Flare?

  • Expertise in B2B Marketing: Our team has extensive experience in B2B marketing, understanding the unique challenges and opportunities in this sector.
  • Customized Solutions: We tailor our strategies to meet your specific business goals and target audience, ensuring maximum impact.
  • Proven Results: We have a track record of success, helping businesses generate high-quality leads and achieve significant growth.

Services We Offer

  • Content Marketing: Create valuable content that attracts and engages your target audience.
  • SEO: Optimize your website and content to improve search engine rankings and drive organic traffic.
  • Social Media Marketing: Leverage platforms like LinkedIn and X/Twitter to connect with potential leads and build your brand.
  • Email Marketing: Develop personalized and automated email campaigns that nurture leads and drive conversions.
  • PPC Advertising: Target specific keywords and demographics with Google Ads and LinkedIn Ads to attract high-quality leads.

Get Started Today!

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to transform your lead generation efforts and grow your business. Contact Innovative Flare today to learn more about our services and how we can help you achieve your marketing goals.

FAQs: Effective Lead Generation Strategies for B2B Companies

What are lead generation strategies for B2B companies?

Lead generation strategies for B2B companies involve various tactics to attract and convert potential leads into customers. These strategies include content marketing, social media marketing, email marketing, SEO, PPC advertising, networking, and using lead magnets.

How can I generate more B2B leads?

To generate more B2B leads, focus on creating valuable content, optimizing your website for search engines, leveraging social media platforms like LinkedIn, running targeted PPC campaigns, and building strong relationships through networking and partnerships.

What is the first step of the lead generation process?

The first step of the lead generation process is identifying your target audience and creating buyer personas. This helps in understanding the needs, pain points, and behaviors of your potential leads, enabling you to tailor your marketing efforts accordingly.

What are the best B2B lead generation tools?

Some of the best B2B lead generation tools include HubSpot, LinkedIn Sales Navigator, Google Keyword Planner, Mailchimp, and Ahrefs. These tools help in managing campaigns, optimizing content, and tracking performance.

How do you qualify a lead in B2B sales?

A lead in B2B sales is qualified based on their level of interest, engagement, and readiness to purchase. This can be determined through lead scoring, which assigns scores based on criteria such as website visits, email opens, and content downloads.

What is a lead magnet and how does it work?

A lead magnet is a valuable resource offered to potential leads in exchange for their contact information. Examples include eBooks, whitepapers, checklists, and free trials. Lead magnets attract leads by providing them with useful information or tools, encouraging them to share their details for further engagement.

How important is SEO for lead generation?

SEO is crucial for lead generation as it improves your website’s visibility in search engine results. By ranking higher for relevant keywords, you attract more organic traffic, increasing the chances of generating high-quality leads.

What are some effective B2B content marketing strategies?

Effective B2B content marketing strategies include blogging, creating whitepapers and eBooks, hosting webinars, and sharing case studies. These strategies provide valuable information to your audience, establish your company as an industry expert, and attract potential leads.

How can social media be used for B2B lead generation?

Social media can be used for B2B lead generation by sharing valuable content, engaging with your audience, participating in industry groups, and running targeted ads. Platforms like LinkedIn and X/Twitter are particularly effective for reaching B2B audiences.

What is the difference between inbound and outbound lead generation?

Inbound lead generation focuses on attracting leads through valuable content and experiences, while outbound lead generation involves proactively reaching out to potential leads through tactics like cold emailing and calling. Both approaches have their own benefits and can be used together for a comprehensive lead generation strategy.


Effective lead generation is vital for B2B companies to attract and convert potential clients. By implementing strategies such as content marketing, social media marketing, email marketing, SEO, PPC advertising, networking, and using lead magnets, you can create a robust lead generation process that drives business growth. For more tips on enhancing your marketing efforts, check out our articles on 8 Essential Digital Marketing Strategies for B2B Businesses, 2024 Best Practices in Social Media Marketing, and The Benefits of Using Customer Testimonials in Your Marketing.